Energy Advice

We’re all spending, on average, more than £1000 per household on energy – for every 1000 households that’s over £1,000,000 per annum. Most of this is lost to our economy, paid out to one of the Big 6 energy companies. We have an opportunity to work together, as a community, to reduce the amount we’re spending; reducing the amount we’re using in our homes and businesses through energy reduction; and looking at ways we can generate more heat and power locally for community benefit.

Our Strategic Energy Study has highlighted a number of areas in which we can take action. A priority is energy reduction, particularly through retrofitting properties.

Read on for energy advice from the SW Devon Community Energy Partnership.


Energy Assessments

The Government are encouraging householders, in particular, to undertake an assessment of their properties to gain an understanding of the best energy reduction options for their property.

There are a number of different assessment types. We have prepared an Energy Assessors Information Sheet  to provide a better understanding.


Energy Advice Leaflets and Videos

South West Devon energy advice

Advice leaflets and videos are available for download on a range of energy efficiency topics from the SEACS Project Toolkit , joint-funded by the EU and Devon County Council.



Energy Efficiency in Traditional Buildings

Part L of the Building Regulations seeks to improve the energy efficiency of all buildings. For existing buildings, including historic buildings and those of traditional construction, this means reducing heat losses wherever possible without damaging their special character or compromising their performance.

English Heritage has produced a fully illustrated guide to help prevent conflicts between the requirements of Part L of the Building Regulations and the conservation of historic and traditionally constructed buildings.


DIY Secondary Glazing

South West Devon energy advice

Secondary glazing is an option for single glazed windows where double or triple glazing may not be possible, practical or affordable. Ashburton Futures have developed a method which is supported by Dartmoor National Park Authority. Download the DIY Secondary Glazing Guide.









Draught Busting and Secondary Glazing Manual

Our Energy Savers draught busting and secondary glazing manual can be downloaded here: Draught Busting and DIY Secondary Glazing Manual Feb 2014.

South West Devon energy advice
